3rd roundtable discussion



When we are young there is a spirit of adventure of what lies around the next corner…… the world is spread out in front of us, we feel it is ours for the taking. Time marches on, we march with it, packing and unpacking the baggage of our lives…some baggage is packed so beautifully that it doesn’t need to be repacked. It is packed just how we like it, all neat and filled with our most precious things. Then there is the baggage that has been over packed, it’s heavy with worries, with responsibilities, bursting at the seams with things we never intended to pack when we were young ……Adam came along and said “Hey you don’t need that many bags, empty those heavy ones, come on a trip with me……I’ll set you free” in fact he said it was okay for me to unlock the suitcase I had locked away many years ago. That locked suitcase was full of joy and all the things I loved in my youth and who I really loved being. When I opened it…. out jumped the freaky loving me, Rocky Horror loving me, Bowie loving me, Janis Joplin loving me, you get the idea. Adam helped me to realize I can let go of the baggage that was over packed, burdensome, unproductive and weighing me down.
I also realized with Adam’s help it’s never to late to make new friends, friends that have the same mind frame, friends that are moving forward in time. He taught me it’s OK to leave behind those that never grew in the direction you grew.Some people stop growing, they’ve become who they are….. they are their final selves…….I’m still growing, I’m not my final self, I never want to be and Adam has taught me that’s a good thing a very good thing.


March 2009 ~  Life is fine, I have a few good friends to hang out with, a good job, nothing will ever change, it’s gonna be like this for the rest of my life. I’ve experienced and seen a lot in my entire life, nothing will ever excite me.  Music? They’re crap! I’ll stick to the Classics.  Friends? I came across a lot and narrowed it down to a few, that’s it, I will never make any new true friends. If I died this day, I don’t think I will miss much.

April 2009 ~  Who the heck is this guy on AI?? What’s his name? Where did he come from? Does he really exist in the world I live in? Wow, that’s something worth living for, LOL. Adam Lambert, hmmm, sweet! His good look,  his smiles, his laughs, his charisma and his humbleness are to die for. Damn! Is this for real? Never knew that kind of qualities exist in a man. Holy Shit! And he has the best vocals I’ve ever heard in my entire life.  Pinch me! Sorry for all the men I met, you’re nowhere close, ROFL. Hmmm, let’s check this Adam guy out on AI site and YT. Oh wow, I like everything I see. 2009 Summer Tour? I love watching every concert on Ustream, even won a t-shirt for answering a question, LOL. My RW friends are rolling their eyes and say I’ll get over this soon, my last idol was David Cassidy, that’s how old I am, LOL, idol admiration is for young people only. NOOOO !!!!! He’s not just an idol. He’s like my baby,  I’m angry when he doesn’t win AI which he so deserved, I defend him when I hear any negative comments about him, I’m frustrated when he’s not recognized for his talents, I’m happy when he’s happy, and I worry when he’s not. I had no experience with being a parent, but I think I have experienced every feeling a parent had for their kids. Wow! The Universe works wonders! I feel what a parent feels 🙂

March 2010 ~ MamaH?  Who’s she? Hmmm, I’ve been posting randomly on other threads and no one cared to listen to me LOL ,  I’ll stick to voting and requesting. What does it take to get FYE back on the radio? LOL, that’s my first question in MamaH’s thread when it dropped off the playlists. There it goes, making more friends along the way. MMTop10/20 was a blast with joy and hiding under my desk, afraid to refresh my screen to see where Adam’s at. I had another blast with dylangirl working on Rock in Rio. It was fun getting Adam ahead of a lot of big acts. The whole time I was hoping Adam would perform with Queen in Rock in Rio 2011. Well, I’ll keep dreaming. Then comes along MP that adamdevotion brought to us. I knew about MP but seldom vote on it, too much trouble dragging Adam to the box and what the heck are those friggin French words!! Thanks to adamdevotion for the  instructions, I started voting and Yay! it gets easier and more voting buddies coming on board, we’re getting Adam to No.1, WWFM, IIHY, SW. Those_eyes came along and reports play by play of what’s showing on TV and keeping us updated on the percentages. Wow, before I knew it, I’ve made close to 20 close friends here. Really? I can make new close friends?

At the same time, my company is going through big changes with merging with other companies and turning into a big corporation as it seems to be the trend, the workload was pouring in. Everyone in my company was stressed out. Ha, I was so focus on voting for Adam and on my BSC voting buddies that I didn’t even take those changes in my company so seriously, I seemed to be the happiest person in the company, LOL. My job used to be my main focus in life, and now it’s  just a job to make me money to enjoy my life in Adamland, LOL. I’m so thankful to Adam for leading me to all of  you, everyone of all of you are true dear friends. There’s no way of us ever crossing path without Adam. Is this destiny? Is this all meant to be? Is this because of Adam? Whatever it is, my life is complete,  I can’t ask for more. Oh, shouldn’t say that! I have one wish. My wish is to attend an Adam concert with all of you . That will be the perfect period at the end of the sentence as Adam put it  🙂


  Adam has helped me in so many ways, I hardly know where to begin.Just a couple months before American Idol Season 8 started, my husband passed away from cancer.During the day I kept busy doing the things that had to be done, but the evenings were the most difficult to adjust to him not being here.I turned on AI one evening and the judges were narrowing it down, so I sat there watching and Adam stood out so much from the others.When he sang “Satisfaction”, I grabbed my phone and got in as many votes as possible in the 2 hours allowed.Each week I looked forward to AI time and then voted.The weeks went by and I became more and more adjusted to my new situation, though I still had lots of down spells.Then AI ended and I felt myself becoming more lonely.People kept telling me I should get a computer, but I didn’t think I knew enough about them to use one and never really had the desire to learn.Then I found out there was a lot about Adam on the internet.Long story short, I now spend lots of time on my computer.I signed into AO in September 2009, was lurking there before that.Through AO I have met some of the sweetest best people one could ever hope to meet and I now have many dear friends there.My hours are never lonely.I can go to my computer and fill my time in Adam World with my wonderful friends there.I probably never would have had the interest or motivation to ever get a computer if it hadn’t been for Adam.Now I can’t imagine life without it.

     Also, I really had lost interest in music till Adam came along.Much of the music of today just seemed like noise to me.Now I play Adam’s music everyday.I feel younger than I did before because of it.

     So, not only did Adam help me adjust during a very difficult time in my life.He gave me many wonderful new friends.He helped me love music again and he makes me feel younger than my years.He brought me into the world of computers.Not many people could do that much for another person.I owe him so much.


Adam has helped me in seeing it’s okay to let go of all of life’s uncertainties

To learn to tap into my heart and listen to what it is saying to me

I had been struggling with a few things when Adam came along

A friend whom I thought I knew…I really didn’t know at all

Funny how along life’s journey we learn who our real friends are

Who really get’s us…and who’s there for us through the storms in our life

I felt like I was a ship that had been battered, and my sails were torn

Then along came Adam and he turned out to be my anchor

When I first laid eyes on Adam…I thought to myself

Now there’s someone who has it all together

He is true to himself, never compromising his values in any way

Adam helped me to get to that point in my life…the it get’s better part

Through this amazing  journey Adam has me on

Not only have I learned to trust I have made friends who have helped me

These friends were there for me when I needed someone the most

I won’t name names here, you know who you are…I love you  for it so much

There was nobody I could talk or turn to for the longest time

Things I had to hold in were eating away at me…I felt like I was drowning

To think it is all because of Adam it  was possible for me to let go

To allow myself  to reach my hand out in complete total trust

Adam has helped me to not be afraid of what I’m holding inside

To know that it will be alright…all of my fears & worries are no more

I’ve tossed them into the glitter…for it will be alright in the aftermath

Through this amazing beautiful young man I’ve met the most beautiful women

Made an amazing wonderful group of friends

Along with feeling like a teenager all over again

I never want to lose this sense of wonder and excitement

just a fan

There was a time in my life when i was a little shaky. I had lost both of my parents within weeks of each other and then a couple years after that , my marriage of 32 years ended. these people that i lost had been 3 of the most important people in my life. i consider myself to be a very strong person and i have a loving family that offered so much support.
I even tried dating again but that just wasn’t for me. I found that by the time you reach my age…there is a good reason why the guys are single!!! I also have good friends that i could talk to..but there were times that i felt lonely, a little lost and sometimes, unloved. There is something in Adam, when he sings and when he speaks, that makes one feel that he is speaking or singing only to you. He is reassuring, caring, strong and self-worthy. he makes you want to be all these things too. I have met wonderful people because of Adam. I know sometimes some of my family and friends don’t understand but it’s easy to feel alone even in a group of people and Adam has taught me how to stand up for myself, be proud of who i am and to join in the group and “be a part of”. I know, somewhat, what Carolyn is saying…I lost my husband too…not to death, but the loss was always there. i filled up that empty spot with all things Adam and i am totally happy with my life, my family, my friends, all of you and above all….Adam! I think my dad had a hand in this….he was Adam, also and he was a great believer in being yourself. He used to tell all of us, “you be you and let them be them!” I think he would’ve liked Adam….actually I really think he does!!!!!